TRANSFORM-iN EDUCATION supports educators and students to create time and space to be uncertain about what we can know, do and be.
Together we navigate our complex 21st century world.
TEACHERS AND OTHER EDUCATORS: see our 'FOR EDUCATORS' section on what it means to work with uncertainty and why it matters educationally.
Recent blogs:
What might uncertainty teach me: There is a growing recognition of the importance of teaching students about sustainability issues. But given the many uncertainties and unknowns, what kinds of learning approaches are appropriate? (November 2023)
Radical action from the streets to the classroom: Climate youth protests have highlighted the radical space of the streets. As many students cannot participate in such action, we ask what a radical space of schooling might look like in response to the climate crisis. (November 2022)
Creating with Uncertainty: experimenting with creative methods for climate education with primary, secondary and special schools, together with sustainability experts at the University of Sussex. (July 2022)