Kirby, P. and Webb, R. (eds) (2023) Creating with uncertainty: Sustainability education resources for a changing world, Open Press. Seven accompanying films: Creating with Uncertainty: experimenting with creative methods for climate education. ARTICLES FOR TEACHERS Webb, R. and Kirby, P. (2021) How to tackle climate uncertainty without the anxiety, Schools Week, 5th November 2021. Webb, R. and Kirby, P. (2021) Engaging children’s climate change experiences for action, ASPE Bulletin, April, Issue 24. Webb, R. and Kirby, P. (2019) Modelling Transformative Education, FORUM, 61(1), 89-103. 2019. OTHER BLOG SITES Webb, R., Bernagozzi, E., & Kirby, P. (2023) What might uncertainty teach me? PASTRES , Institute of Development Studies. Webb, R. and Kirby, P. (2022) Radical spaces for climate action, Rejuvenate. Kirby, P. (2022) ‘Creating with Uncertainty’: experimenting with creative methods for climate education : Blog and podcasts : ... : Sussex Sustainability Research Programme : University of Sussex Kirby, P. , Parry, J. and Lambert, D. (2021) Creating a forest food garden: Higher education that is disruptive by design | British Educational Research Association (BERA) blog. Kirby, P. and Webb, R. (2020) Let the children speak, Sussex Bylines, blog: Webb, R. and Kirby, P. (2020) Covid-19 and schooling for uncertainty, British Educational Research Association, blog: This blog was reprinted in BERA Bites 7 Exploring the impact of Covid-19: Pedagogy, curriculum & assessment FEBRUARY 2021. (PDF below)
BOOK CHAPTERS Webb., R. & Kirby, P. (2025 – accepted, forthcoming) Creating with uncertainty: a practical philosophical approach, in G. Elliot, C. Solvason, E. Lengthorn & N. Watson (Eds.) Sustainability Education for Children and Young People, Abingdon: Routledge. Webb, R and Foster, K. (2023) Championing a not knowing Transformative Pedagogy and Practice: re-envisioning the role of the ECEC Practitioner, in C. Solvason and R. Webb (Eds), Exploring and Celebrating the Early Childhood Practitioner: An Interrogation of Pedagogy, Professionalism and Practice, TACTYC Association for professional Development in the Early Years London and New York, Routledge Early Education, Taylor & Francis Webb, R., Morelos-Juarez, C, Saha, A., Kirby, P., Ponciano, P., Karath, K., Palomeque, E., Macias, M., Meza, P. (IN PRESS, 28 April 2023 publication) ‘Hope in the present’: education for sustainability in the Global South, in: B. Percy-Smith, N. Patrick Thomas, C. O’Kane and A. Twum-Danso Imoh (Eds). A New Handbook of Children and Young People’s Participation: Conversations for Transformational Change. Oxford, Routledge, Taylor & Francis. Kirby, P. and Webb, R. (2020) Taking Part, Joining In and Being Heard? Ethnographic explorations of children’s participation in three UK primary schools in J. Todres and S. King (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Children Rights Law. Oxford: OUP. Webb, R. (2015) Negotiating the ‘3Rs’: deconstructing the politics of ‘Rights, Respect and Responsibility’ in one English Primary School in: T. Dragonas, K. Gergen, S. McNamee and E. Tseliou, (Eds.) Education as Social Construction: Contributions to Theory, Research and Practice. Chagrin Falls, Ohio: Taos Institute Publications (e-book) pp. 283-297, ISBN 9781938552427 Webb, R. & Crossouard, B. (2015) Learners, politics and education, in: D. Scott & E. Hargreaves (Eds.) SAGE Handbook of Learning. London & New York, SAGE, pp. 169-178, ISBN 9781446287569 JOURNAL PAPERS Kirby, P., Villani, M., Webb, R. (2022) Children's Covid-19 writing and drawings and the existential imperative to educate for uncertainty, Children & Society, OPEN ACCESS Kirby, P. and Webb, P. (2021) Conceptualising uncertainty and the role of the teacher for a politics of climate change within and beyond the institution of the school, Educational Review, Kirby, P. (2020) ‘It's never okay to say no to teachers': children's research consent and dissent in conforming schools contexts. in British Educational Research Journal, Kirby, P. (2019) Marshmallow claps and frozen children: sitting on the carpet in the modern ‘on-task’ primary classroom, Pedagogy, Culture & Society, DOI: 10.1080/14681366.2019.1650390 Kirby, P. (2019) Children’s agency in the modern primary classroom, Children & Society, DOI:10.1111/chso.12357 Webb, R. (2019) Poststructuralism and Ideas of Gender Meet Student Voice and Power. In: Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Springer Reference Work, doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-1179-6_26-1 Kirby, P. (2019) ‘Hot bubbly poo’: navigating children’s scatological humour at school, Entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 2:1 (on-line journal). This paper explores the transformative researcher-participant encounters offering moments for children to renegotiate what they can do and be. Kirby, P. (2018) Orbits of Opinion. Excursions Journal, June 2018, 8(1). Winner of the People’s Choice Award in the University of Sussex ‘Doctoral research photo competition’ for the above image: children find moments in the school day to carve out their own orbits through movement, speech, humour, storytelling and optical adventures –— as well as sitting quietly and still –— to think about, understand, re-imagine and speak their opinions. Webb, R. (2018) What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (by way of introducing ‘the ethnographer’ to a primary school assembly), Entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 1:2 (online journal), Webb, R. (2018) Research methods for pedagogy, Journal of Education for Teaching, 44:3, 407-409, Webb, R. (2017) Being Yourself: everyday ways of doing and being gender in a Rights-Respecting primary school, Gender and Education, pp.1- 16. DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2017.1309010, Webb, R. (2017): The posthuman child – educational transformation through philosophy with picture books, Journal of Education for Teaching, pp. 637-639, DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2017.1374072, Webb, R. (2017) with E. Mayes, S. Bakhshi, V. Wasner, A. Cook-Sather, M. Mohammad, D.C. Bishop, S. Groundwater-Smith, M. Prior, E. Nelson, J. McGregor, K, R. Webb, R, L. Flashman, C. McLaughlin, E. Cowley, E. (2017). What can a conception of power do? Theories and images of power in student voice work. International Journal of Student Voice, Vol. 2, No.1. Kirby, P. and Mclaughlin, C. (2016) Book review: Teacher agency: an ecological approach, by Mark Priestley, Gert Biesta and Sarah Robinson, British Journal of Educational Studies, 64(4), p.557-559. Kirby. P. and Gibbs, S. (2005) Facilitating participation: adults’ caring support roles within Child-to-Child projects in schools and after-school settings, Children and Society, 19:5, p.209-222. Kirby, P. (2001) Participatory research in schools, Forum: Journal for promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, 43:2, p.74-77. CONFERENCE AND OTHER PAPERS Kirby, P. & Webb, R. (2024) ‘Opening spaces of uncertainty in the researching and practices of education: reflections’. Presentation, Nature as curriculum: Education and the Earth System in the Anthropocene, Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH), University of Sussex. 19 March. Webb, R. and Kirby, P. (2024) ‘A hopeful vision from Early Years: what it might teach us about environmental education in a crisis’, Early Childhood Studies Degree Network (ECSDN) Research Conference 2024. Theme: Celebrating Early Childhood Contemporary Research, online, 26 Jan. Webb, R. (2023) 'Creating with uncertainty II: scaling education for net zero', Sussex Sustainability Research Programme Annual Symposium , 29 November. Kirby, P. and Webb, R. (2023) 'Opening spaces of uncertainty in the researching and practice of education', Racultat de Ciencies educación , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 3 July. Webb, R. and Kirby, P. 'Why embracing uncertainty means rethinking schooling practices and pedagogies', Sussex Development Lecture, Institute of Development Studies, 7th April 2022, University of Sussex. Discussant: Dr Sean HIggins. Kirby, P. and Webb, R. 'Rebalancing and broadening contemporary education to include a focus on both conformity and transformation', workshop at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) conference, 12th September 2019, University of Manchester. Kirby, P. (2018) ‘Learning hard’: children’s lived experiences of classroom character initiatives, exploring how positioning children as lacking in resilience denies them the opportunity to explore different understandings of the world. British Educational Research Association (BERA's) annual conference, Northumbria University, Newcastle, September 2019. WINNER: 2nd prize in the BERA Early Career Researcher Presentation Awards., scoring highly for the contribution of the research to education. |